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Age of Revolution III (US/Europe, 1865-2000)

Age of Revolution III (US/Europe, 1865-2000)

  • Whew! What can be said?! This final guide in the series tackles the most profound issues and needs of our day which are, of course, spiritual at their heart.
  • Specifically, the students will see that folks were already yearning for a world without God, a world wherein mankind did not spring from a Creator and could thus rule himself. Of course, Darwin granted their wish. But much more than an issue of primordial ooze and monkeys, evolution would fuel the unbelievably drastic changes that have shaken western civilization. Your children will see this heart-issue in each sphere of life--art, law, human worth, government, education, science, business, and more--as each is thoroughly explored.
  • Alas, with broken heart, we will also see that the euphoria of this "progressivism" has yielded deep discouragement and alienation. It specifically fueled the tragedies of the 1900s, such as World War I and II. Its fragmented and mechanical view of all life, including that of humans, is mourned in modern art and music.
  • Yet, that is not the end of the story! God and His truth are still the only source of life, freedom, prosperity, and joy! And our children have this great message! Thus, this final guide focuses not on the 'gloom and doom' of the post-modern, post-Christian world they are inheriting, but on the great mantle of authority which rests gloriously on each young believer who chooses to find their place in HIStory! It draws together all that your children have learned throughout TruthQuest History so they can express it to this hurting world. History is also about the present and the future! There is hope!
  • Ideally for Grades 5-12, but younger siblings can participate with caution as this guide includes more sensitive topics than usual. Includes book recommendations for all ages, where available.

  • Available as printed book, or PDF eBook (immediate download)...or get both at a Combo price (40% off the PDF) so you can have the searchable TQH guide on your device too!
  • Optional "companion resource" (notebook) from AJTL is now available.


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